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        1. How Solar Works
          • What is the lifespan of a solar panel?

            A solar panel typically lasts approximately 30 years. During that time, most systems require little to no maintenance beyond removing leaves or snow and hosing off debris. In general, the life of solar panels depends on t? more

          • Will solar panels produce energy when it’s snowy?

            Automatically, you may think that if snow covers the panels, you wont generate energy. The snows life cycle on a solar panel is usually very short-lived. The panels dark surface will gather sun and actually help melt the ? more

          • Will solar panels produce energy when it’s rainy?

            Today, solar costs less than traditional electricity in many markets, whether you choose to pay as you go or purchase the system. We offer a range of financing options, which makes going solar simple and affordable. Today? more

          • Will solar panels produce energy when it’s cloudy?

            Today, solar costs less than traditional electricity in many markets, whether you choose to pay as you go or purchase the system. We offer a range of financing options, which makes going solar simple and affordable. Today? more

          • How does weather affect my solar power production?

            Today, solar costs less than traditional electricity in many markets, whether you choose to pay as you go or purchase the system. We offer a range of financing options, which makes going solar simple and affordable. Today? more

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