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          Divinergy installed their 100th Solar Pump system in Ghana

          As the world's leading solar pump manufacturer, Divinergy completed the installation of their 100th pump system in Ghana.

          Since its participation in the first China Trade Week Show in Ghana at May, 2017, Divinergy aims to promote renewable energy technologies and various solar systems in Ghana market, including solar pump system, solar street light and solar portable lighting. The high quality products and systems attracted attention from local government and media reporter, and was highly appraised by the professional Clients and Distributors.

          In the past one year, Divinergy have delivered over 100sets of high quality solar pump systems to Ghana, and installed 100sets of them, all the systems runs very well and no any customer complaints. High quality, efficiently and reliable products with the competitive cost are the key to this success.

          As the professional provider of solar products and system solutions, unrivalled in credibility and expertise with over 10years' experience. Divinergy aims to improve the quality of life for the people who are lack of reliable electrical power. Divinergy develop and distribute affordable solar pump system and solar products for households and commercial customers, and provide customized solar power system integration based on professional technology ability and projects experience.
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